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2011 Junior Varisty Girl's Tennis Schedule

2011 JV Girl's Tennis Schedule

Date Time Opponent Score

9/06/11 5:15 PM vs. Shawnee H.S.

9/09/11 5:15 PM @ Triton H.S.

9/13/11 5:15 PM @ Timber Creek H.S.

9/16/11 5:15 PM @ Lenape H.S.

9/19/11 5:15 PM @ Shawnee H.S.

9/26/11 5:15 PM vs. Triton H.S.

9/27/11 5:15 PM vs. Paul VI H.S.

9/28/11 5:15 PM vs. Timber Creek H.S.

10/10/11 5:15 PM @ Eastern H.S.

10/14/11 5:15 PM @ Cherry Hill East


2011 Varsity Girl's Tennis Schedule

2011 Girl's Varsity Tennis Schedule

Date Time Opponent Score

9/01/11 3:45 PM vs. (Scimmage) Moorestown Friends

9/06/11 3:45 PM vs. (scrimmage) Shawnee H.S.

9/08/11 3:45 PM vs. Winslow H.S.

9/09/11 3:45 PM @ Triton H.S.

9/12/11 3:45 PM vs. Seneca H.S.

9/13/11 3:45 PM @ Timber Creek H.S.

9/14/11 3:45 PM vs. Pennsauken H.S.

9/16/11 3:45 PM @ Lenape H.S.

9/19/11 3:45 PM @ Shawnee H.S.

9/20/11 3:45 PM @ Winslow H.S.

9/21/11 3:45 PM @ Cherokee H.S.

9/23/11 3:45 PM vs. Camden H.S.

9/26/11 3:45 PM vs. Triton H.S.

9/27/11 3:45 PM vs. Paul VI H.S.

9/28/11 3:45 PM vs. Timber Creek H.S.

10/03/11 3:45 PM @ Washington Township H.S.

10/05/11 3:45 PM vs. Woodrow Wilson H.S.

10/06/11 3:45 PM @ State Game

10/10/11 3:45 PM @ Eastern H.S.

10/11/11 3:45 PM @ State Game

10/12/11 3:45 PM vs. Bishop Eustace

10/14/11 3:45 PM @ Cherry Hill East H.S.

10/17/11 1:00 PM @ Olympic Conference

10/18/11 1:00 PM @ Olympic Conference

10/20/11 3:45 PM vs. Ocean City H.S.

10/24/11 3:45 PM vs. Clearview H.S.


Fall 2011 Girl's Tennis Practice Information


Welcome to our team, and if you played last season, welcome back! The first day of practice will be Wednesday, August 17th, and will begin at 10:00am. All participants interested must be on the courts by 9:45 and READY TO GO BY 10:00AM. Please make sure you have all of the forms and paperwork filled out prior to the first day of practice. The following forms must be completed: Participation Form, Health History Update, and Physical Form. Our new Athletic Office is now in B-2, which is right next to the main office.

Also, be prepared to practice from 10am - 12pm. All players interested in playing must attend all practices. Please make sure to schedule ALL events around practice time. The practice times are subject to change, but I will provide each player with a tentative schedule for the practice times during the summer months.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the program, please contact Coach Wallace by using the link below. I'm looking forward to the upcoming season! Let's Go Lady Lions!